My First Blog Post


This is the first post of my new blog.

Written by: Francesco Wild

My initials in grey on a white circle background

Welcome to my blog!

My name is Francesco Wild, and I’m an Italian developer living in London and working my way through game and software development.

I’m starting this blog with the idea of updating it with interesting things I do, for myself or for work (where I’m allowed to). Hopefully someone else will find them too!

Since this whole blog is something I found interesting, I may speak about it. I’m using a Static Site Generator called Astro. “Why a static site if you want to potentially showcase games as well?” someone may ask. And they wouldn’t be wrong. But I didn’t want to pay for a big hosting and a static site can be hosted around way more easily. I just hope I can figure out how to make it work down the line ahahah.

Astro is interesting. It forces the hierarchy of the project a bit, but it’s not something unbearable. You need to have your “page” folder to store the webpages but everything else seems pretty flexible. Also it works using a specific type of files called astro, which are really similar to jsx code. What’s a nice plus is that it can also run React component if you want. For this project I’m using Preact a sort of light React version. (Mainly because it was the plugin used in the tutorial but also because I didnt see a reason to change for now as I haven’t used any actual React yet)

The website is clearly under costruction. I need to update references and remove tutorial posts, but I plan to make it a cool place to look at. Maybe some cool animation and a better choice of fonts and colors would help.

Now gotta commit so I can go do something else since is Saturday night lol.

Have a good one!

Francesco (elWildo)