Refactoring the blog and cleaning up tutorial bits remaining
Written by: Francesco Wild
Today and Sunday I did a bit of cleanup. I fixed the menu in a way that was functional and nice to see, both on mobile and desktop. Same thing for the toggle on dark and light theme (I still need to fix the palette for those tho, lol)
I also managed to turn both the Hamburger Icon and Theme Icon into React components. I had to mess around a bit to sync the animation properly for what I wanted, but I’m satisfied with the results. Since I just mentioned them I added animation for page routing and menu appearing and disappearing. I’m not entirely sure I should implement animation for the style itself, because it seems to me an overkill, but we’ll see.
I added support for SASS and used it for the new React components, but still need to implement it for tutorial pages. It’s not extremely urgent, so I’ll put it on hold for now.
I also set up a board on GitHub for this website/portfolio to keep track of things (their project management tool is amazing to keep track of the things you are doing on your projects). I already added tasks to design the header, footer, and fix the palettes. I will probably add some more tasks since I need to think about some cool design, because as the website right now is a bit MEH. Oh. I should probably also add task for the fonts.
Not a big update, but I haven’t done much on the website, to be fair, and refactoring/updating the functionality required me to invest a bit of time in learning bits and bobs, so I think it’s fair.
Have a good one!
Francesco (elWildo)